I have created a payment entry, clicked to process payments, printed the checks but was off by 1 check. I have NOT posted the batch yet. With the batch not having been posted am I able to adjust the check numbers or even delete and recreate the match so that the printed checks are accurate???
You can reprocess the payment and start again with the correct check number. Make sure all the old checks are destroyed first.
Vinay Kamboj
How exactly do I go about doing that? It will not let me delete the batch to recreate. What haapened is I had a batch of say 20 checks so we print in reverse I only grabbed 19 checks so the checks are off by one number. If I have printed but not posted how do I fix without having to void all and reprint? Or is there no other way even though I have not posted?
There is an option “Reset Process Payments” under Actions. That will reset it and ask for the last printed check number.
Vinay Kamboj
It is not highlighted as an available option in my dropdown.
I checked it again. This option is only for Electronic payments. We make payments only by EFT so this did not cross my mind.
So you will have to post the group. Then void all cheques and run payment again.
Vinay Kamboj
That is what I was afraid of. Thank you!