AP Aged Payable's Report Errors out on Multiple Payments (10.0.700.3)

Odd situation here, been on 10.0.700.3 since 2015 and all of a sudden AP says that they are not able to run their AP Aged Payable’s Report.
I was able to replicate the issue and I narrowed the problem down to a specific vendor where there is a single multi year multi payment invoice. The first payment was made last year and last month the second of the 3 payments were made on the 20th. So if they try to run the AP Aged Payable’s report for any date after the 20th it errors (Aged As Of).
In a Test DB I was able to replicate the issue exactly by creating an AP Invoice for a different vendor with terms over multiple months. When the first payment is made, the report runs fine, but once the second payment is made if the report is run for that date or greater, it fails too.
It’s not a Report Style as this report only has the Standard report styles and that I know of no changes were made to those.
Here are the error details per the System Monitor:

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Epicor.Utilities.StringExtensions.Entry(String srcString, Int32 index, String delimiter)
at Erp.Internal.AP.APAgedPayableReport.ageInvc(AgingSel bufAgingSel)
at Erp.Internal.AP.APAgedPayableReport.printInfo()
at Erp.Internal.AP.APAgedPayableReport.RunProcess(Int32 instanceTaskNum, String outputFileName)
at Ice.Hosting.TaskCaller.ExecuteTask()
at Ice.Services.Lib.RunTaskSvc.RunTask(Int32 ipTaskNum)

At first I thought the issue was data related so in the Test DB I messed around with several values that I thought could have an impact and nothing.
Kinda looks like multiple payments on this report was not tested.
Early on after going Live on 10.0 they needed a one-off for this report for a different problem and so I even tried rolling that back but the problem persists.
I can get a full AP Aged Payable’s Report short the one vendor by running the report for all vendors except the one with this odd invoice, but Accounting is deliberating if that is ok or not.
I am considering possibly attempting to replicate the AP Aged Payable Report with a BAQ Report, but Account is considering if that would be acceptable or not as well.
The client has canceled their Epicor Maint & Support as they are very soon moving to another ERP (it’s been delayed) so I think I am out of options here.
Any other ideas would be appreciated!

I had issues with AR/AP in 10.0.700.4 with customers/vendor balances dropping off completely. Epicor was not much help with getting this resolved so I made the reports using SSRS.