Anyone used bartender integration builder with REST?

So I was messing with bartender integration builder had a thought to see what else it can be set up to do besides just printing labels. Turns out it can do a lot of other things, including web calls. So I should (theoretically) be able to set up bartender to do something in E-10 on a trigger. As far as triggers go, there are a lot of things that can be set up for triggers. File drops, emails, web service, time schedule and more.

I’m thinking that one of the benefits of this, is I can have this running on our internal server so that I don’t need to send out REST calls to an external cloud for IOT devices. Being a security novice (that’s being generous) that seems a lot safer to me so I don’t have put Epicor login information into some cloud service who could do who knows what with it. My idea is to use the app for the hardware device I am getting to send an e-mail (yes I know, it’s external, but I don’t have to send sensitive information on it) to the address set up for Bartender, which can parse the e-mail and write a line to a UDtable using a rest call. The other option would be to make a web call to bartender since it can listen for those too instead of an e-mail. Then, all of the connection to E-10 is then internal which should simplify the security issues.


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Yes, yes, yes. This is how I see my customizations going in the future - especially as a SaaS user. If I’m thinking about practicing good SOLID[1] principles, we put too much responsibility in our customizations. We should strive to have these triggers pass info on and then let another process handle the event wherever possible. This makes upgrades easier and testing code easier. Move all of that complicated logic out of Epicor. I think Epicor’s BPM widgets is a move in this direction and to get code reuse.

Mark W.

  1. SOLID Principles In C# With Examples?

Just starting to build out an integration using bartender web service.

Pretty cool.

Same here; I would love to see what other things people have done in the last couple of years with these tools…