So I was messing with bartender integration builder had a thought to see what else it can be set up to do besides just printing labels. Turns out it can do a lot of other things, including web calls. So I should (theoretically) be able to set up bartender to do something in E-10 on a trigger. As far as triggers go, there are a lot of things that can be set up for triggers. File drops, emails, web service, time schedule and more.
I’m thinking that one of the benefits of this, is I can have this running on our internal server so that I don’t need to send out REST calls to an external cloud for IOT devices. Being a security novice (that’s being generous) that seems a lot safer to me so I don’t have put Epicor login information into some cloud service who could do who knows what with it. My idea is to use the app for the hardware device I am getting to send an e-mail (yes I know, it’s external, but I don’t have to send sensitive information on it) to the address set up for Bartender, which can parse the e-mail and write a line to a UDtable using a rest call. The other option would be to make a web call to bartender since it can listen for those too instead of an e-mail. Then, all of the connection to E-10 is then internal which should simplify the security issues.