I’m going to Epicor for this one, but just thought I’d check here - across all three sites if we ship a pack created last week everything works fine, but if we create a pack today and try to ship it, we get an error “Cannot ship from a closed job”
Applies on shipping from inventory as well as from jobs. All sites, all orders.
Be interested to know if others have this problem.
Did you create a year for 2022 in your fiscal calendar maintenance? I’d think that this could cause problem with shipping in 2022 if you don’t have it in there yet.
This gets better. Apparently we hadn’t run “Transfer Balances” yet, so Finance just went ahead and ran it. Now, instead of an error the order lines disappear when you save or ship a pack ID!
Okay, so this was a self-inflicted wound by yours truly.
We have had a job with a blank job number for several years, racking up weird records and unable to be closed.
Because of the way Inspections work, closing a job with a blank JobNum triggers inspections somehow - so even though there was no inspection pending, the system thought there was and stopped the job completing.
I tried using DMT, in order to use the PendingInspectionContinue field, but it still threw and error.
I finally set the job to closed via SQL on Friday - which I pretty much never do - as it seemed to work in DEV without issues that way.
So the next shipping day (today) any order that shipped from inventory - thereby having a blank JobNum field in Customer Shipment Entry - sees a closed job with a matching job number and throws an error. I suppose when it was open, it didn’t have any parts in inventory to ship so it just ignored it.
I opened an Epicor ticket and one Brian Enders answered it very quickly and pointed me to KB0106485, and then provided the appropriate datafix.
@aidacra I don’t see Brian on here. Can you pass on thanks for the fast response? We’re all pretty quick to slam slow service (rightly or wrongly, Without Prejudice ) so seems fair to give a shout-out when it’s fast. Especially when my foot is bleeding and my gun is smoking…
I have had thoughts of what an Epicor Starter Kit for Error Trapping would look like for common issue like this.
It would contain pre-defined methods and data directives for fields:
jobs, lots, revisions and part numbers to block spaces or special character’s, could further control field length, etc.
Date entry traps where you can not enter a date plus or minus 30 days for example.