We cannot get any search results to show up for Jobs or Transfer Orders, whether using the Classic or Kinetic version of Fulfillment Workbench and whether performing the search on the respective tab or the List tab.
I’ve got a case open with Epicor, but was just curious if anyone else is having the same problem. Ours is also the having same behavior in Pilot, but didn’t have that issue when we tested it on 2023.1.1 or .3.
Response from Support on this (it’s due to new logic of the “Require Ready to Fulfill” which now also pertains to job material and transfer order details):
Site Config>AMM>Auto Fulfillment
If the flag is set True the a new tab will open on job material where you can manually send the material to the queue to be auto allocated based on FWB rules after running the Automated Fulfillment Process OR you can use the Ready to Fulfill flag OR you can use Automated Fulfillment Rules with Load Queue Action
If the site has ready to fulfill required, there is new logic to not allow you to load a job material that is not ready to fulfill (same with transfers) and this matches the order release FWB functionality.
So the tab will show up with AMM under Job Material and the Ready to Fulfill was added to allow for Auto Allocation using the Automated Fulfillment Process
They’ve confirmed this was introduced in 2023.1.4.
Had the same issue here and was told the same thing by support
For you classic users out there, the Transfer Order Entry classic form does not have the Ready to Fulfill checkbox. It’s only available in the Kinetic form. So you’ll either need to add it or start using the Kinetic form.
The field is on the TFOrdDtl table, so you can unhide it in the TO Entry Lines grid, as well as in the TO Workbench Suggestions List grids within the Classic forms. And you could of course add a Checkbox to the Details tabs and bind it to that field, if you wanted to customize that view. (We don’t as we’re soon making the switch to the Kinetic version anyway.)
This is a pretty big change for Epicor to just slide in. I would have expected a new Site Config checkbox for Require Material Ready To Fulfill to “turn on” the new automation feature. @timshuwy Why would Epicor tie and Job material ready to fulfill to an Order Entry ready to fulfill checkbox? Shouldn’t seem like separate processes? SO Ready to fulfill means the order is complete and ready for production. This new Material Ready to Fulfill sounds like it means the material is here and the job should be released for picking? We haven’t had much success on finding documentation on how to setup the auto fulfillment. Any of that you could share too?
tagging in @Randy who has been researching.
There is also a Ready to Fulfill checkbox in Company Configuration > Modules > Materials in the Inventory card that you have to check for Transfer Orders and in Company Configuration > Modules > Production in the Job card for job material in order for this set those respective fields as TRUE by default.
But it’s an all or nothing feature for Orders, Job Material, Transfer Orders when the Require Ready to Fulfill checkbox is turned on in Site Configuration for Fulfillment Workbench (within AMM). So I agree that it would be nice if this was separated out and that they slid a big change into a late-stage pre-production version, after we had already done all of our testing.
I discovered that having everything properly checked in the Configuration screens will default job material to be set to Ready to Fulfill even on unfirmed jobs. However, for Transfer Orders it only sets the Ready to Fulfill field to TRUE on the TO Header and not on the TFOrdDtl table, which is where it needs to be checked for FWB to find it. So I had to create a Data Directive to set that field to TRUE all the time so that nothing would get missed. Support didn’t seem to think that this was a flaw.
but that’s different that the Order “ready to BE fulfilled”, correct? My understanding on the order is this is used to have an order in limbo maybe not quite complete. Once it is complete, (and ready to process calculates tax), it is the signal for the order to be processed. That doesn’t necessarily mean we have material to proceed with the job.
We are single site right now so we don’t deal with Transfer orders, but we ended up doing the same BPM on job material so we could continue status quo until we could figure out the auto fulfillment.
totally agree… but it is treated in the same way as orders… if you dont check the box, then it will not be considered as ready for fulfillment (or “job is ready to be fulfilled whenever the material arrives”), just like an order is “ready to fulfill once the item comes into stock”.
Hey I’ll give that a shot in our test database. I may not need my workaround BPM in that case, unless we go multi-site sometime in the future (never say never, but it’s not on our roadmap).
We are upgrading to 2023.1.10, and have the same issue. The jobs do not show up in fulfillment workbench.
When I go to Site Config>AMM>Auto Fulfillment and select Enable Jobs, I am getting an error “The Job Allocation Template must be specified”. We do not have a job allocation template defined. Is this also something new in this version?
We upgraded this last weekend and are having similar problems as everyone else on this link.
We’ve been given this KB link to use, which we have, but still can’t get Jobs or Transfers to show on the FWB. Once we can get this working in Kinetic, I need to hope it will work in Classic afterwards.
We created those allocation templates as well, but it didn’t resolve the overall problem. I’m still missing something.
Yeah, that was the actual problem. I thought running the Automated Fulfillment process was going to update the current data, but that wasn’t the case. We eventually figured it out.