>doesn't include invoices that have only a partial payment.Thanks, I've got these covered now.
I also found some payment dates in a FY different from the invoice date. It looks like these invoices are included in the "Number of Invoices" for both YTD and Last Year Totals. Or in other words, they are counted twice.
I'm still figuring out how those pay days were spread across the fiscal years.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "rmackieusa" <rmackie@...> wrote:
> We looked at it many years ago and as I recall, the calculation doesn't include invoices that have only a partial payment. For example if the invoice is for $100 and the customer pays $99.99 and you issue a credit for $0.01, it doesn't include that invoice in the calculation. Not sure if that is still the case in recent versions.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "b_ordway" <cooner_55421@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to know if anyone is familiar with the "Average Days to Pay" values in the AR Aging sheet - Customer tracker. Especially if they've had success verifying the numbers.
> >
> > I have been trying & I'm beginning to wonder if I can't because I'm dealing with bugs in 8.03.409C. For some customers I can't even come close to what the system displays.
> >
> > This is the formula that is in the help:
> >
> > Average Days to Pay = (Last Cash Detail Date for the Invoice - (Cash Detail Date - Invoice Date)) / Number of Invoices Paid
> >
> > Also, I've been told some records might not be included depending on their fiscal years but that doesn't seem to be a factor in the cases I'm looking at.
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >