Any way to squeeze space out of a Kinetic form with multiple column divisions?


In order to make the tab order run left to right, I inserted a bunch of 3-column divisions. Each one has only a single row of components. It works okay, other than making the form slower. But I have a bunch of extra space in the form now. Any way to squeeze it down?



The best way I found that is to add more columns to your space, but leave them empty.

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Thanks, Hannah. I think I’m being unclear again, and not for the first time. :-/

It’s the vertical space I’d like to squeeze out. I have 16 rows of 3 inputs each. In order to get the tabs to work left to right, I have each group of 3 inputs in a single 3-column division (16 divisions). The vertical spaces between those divisions run the inputs down off the screen.

When I put the inputs into a single 3-column division, it took a lot less vertical space, but the tab order runs down each column instead of across, which won’t work for the application.

I don’t know a whole lot about CSS and how to decrease the border/padding areas, or how I might implement that in Epicor if I did.

Still plinking.



Ah, you’re out of luck again. There’s no padding ability.

At best, and I say best VERY loosely, you could try putting some containers below all of your fields to see if it squished it upwards.

If it’s ever a question of aesthetics or usability, Kinetic probably can’t do it. :grimacing:

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I hope you guys can get answers from Epicor at insights on this…Kinetic forms HORRIBLE for data entry…


Well, we’ll just keep reminding ourselves how much better it is. :slight_smile:



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Lol, I’m not holding my breath.

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Well, if it ever gets to the point where people like it, it will be time to migrate to a new UI platform anyway. Its like shoes, if you ever find a pair you like, they are sure to be discontinued. :laughing:

It’s okay tho, we are experts at making lemonade