Any way to populate PartTran For historical data?

Were moving from V8 to E10 (via DMT), and want to move some PartTran data for historical reasons. Particualarly so viewing the Part Transaction History, will show data from before the move too.

I’m under the impression that DMT does everything by using the Business Obejcts, and they intern create all the underlying records. So DMT doesn’t appear to allow (and often for good reason) you to write to tables like PartTran.

Any Ideas?

I moved our historical to a UD and built a dashboard of it. There WAY too much underlying data to import into Parttran.

That was my backup plan.

I was caught off guard by how DMT actually works. I can’t even import Packers without them creating transactions. :frowning:

No can do

We imported a lot of job, PO, order, and quote historical data into UD01, used Key5 to identify the type of record, and then created some BPMs that append the historical data from UD01 to the rows in Part Advisor and Purchase Advisor, so it looks like the history was always there.