Any videos on creating Dynmaic Querys C#

Im looking to see if some one has some step by step instructions on how to create one.

Looking to add the part demand on a Receipt Detail showing the user via my baq that is updateable.

There are a bunch of example threads on this forum, have you tried searching?
It would also be helpful to know/see what you’ve tried so far.

I have done some searching and right now there is not a complete view how to create on from start to finish. Or im not searching correctly for this information.

What im trying to get around is the issue when using a embeded dashboard you cant update it. The baq is updatable and works like it should but once I embedded the dashboard I cant. So having a updatable dynamic query would make this beneficial.

The baq I have show the part demand for that part and I have the receiver update a field where they put it as a staged area for pulling jobs.

A quick search for “Updatable Dynamic Query” returns plenty of good info, try that and see how it goes

There a re a ton of examples here, but @josecgomez has a video here.

So I was able to get the dynamic query working with a hard coded value. I am having an issue try to get the filter to work when they change records in receipt entry or to actually grab the partnumber that is listed in the receipt detail line.

The way I plan on using this is to show the part demand of the part being received in. the Query should change and be updateable when the receipt detail line changes. I have ud field that user populates in the baq and that works when they update.

I have tried a updateable dashboard but the subscriber does not update as it should when they move between records.

public void FunStuff()
DynamicQueryAdapter dqa = new DynamicQueryAdapter(oTrans);
QueryExecutionDataSet qeds = dqa.GetQueryExecutionParametersByID(“PartDetailReceiptEntry”);
qeds.ExecutionParameter.AddExecutionParameterRow(“PartPram”, “RcvDtl.PartNum”, “nvarchar”,false, Guid.NewGuid(),“A”);
eugPartDemandTest.DataSource = dqa.QueryResults.Tables[“Results”];