Another Product Configurator question

Our Configurator creates our quotes.  It calculates all costs and assigns the amounts using our calculations.  We use service connect to then get details and pass what we have calculated as opposed to allowing Epicor to do it.  We also allow the owner to assign discounts or change markup amounts before committing to the final prices.  I don’t think it would be all that hard (just detailed) to calc and then show the results allowing the  user to make the final choice.  




From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 7:51 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Another Product Configurator question



Has anyone created a configurator to show the costs and markups for each of their plants?

We have three plants that can essentially build the same thing but they each have slightly different capabilities.  We would like to create the configurator to show what it would cost to make at each plant and then mark up accordingly.

This servers two purposes for us, which plant would be more cost effect to build and also which could, possibly, build it faster.






Has anyone created a configurator to show the costs and markups for each of their plants?

We have three plants that can essentially build the same thing but they each have slightly different capabilities.  We would like to create the configurator to show what it would cost to make at each plant and then mark up accordingly.

This servers two purposes for us, which plant would be more cost effect to build and also which could, possibly, build it faster.



