Would like to know process steps for annual stock take warehouse wise in a site (not cycle count)
To generate tag/ tag entry/ draw variance/ revise tag entry/ finalise variance/ post
Here’s a link to a topic on Physical Inventory. Included in my post is a pdf outlining the steps that we do. Note that your actual process might vary slightly, but the fundamentals are the same.
Some notes about that PDF:
- It was instructions to a new person in our company, and references things about our company (like site names: CHAL, GUTH, etc…)
- In part 3.b.iv, I reference a custom report style, you won’t see this. Choose the built-in one.
Edit #2
Definitely try this out in your test environment first.
And the most important thing to remember, is that Phys Inv merely creates ADJ-QTY transactions. But unlike a Qty Adjustment where you enter the qty to add or subtract from the current QOH. In a Phys Inv, you enter the qty you counted, and it calculates the difference for the adjustment.
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