Amazing PowerBI Demo

Did anybody else watch the PowerBI demo hosted by EUG yesterday - Blue Sky ERP demonstrated a pre-packaged set of 4 Power BI apps that they’ve built, and they are available to download free from the PBI app store to take a look at.

I watched it, as did my MD - blown away by how quick it would be to get started using PBI with these templates. Now to convince the boss the spend the money… :+1:


Did they quote a price?

Yep there was basic pricing talked about in the demo (£350 / $500 month), but it is specific to the amount of data that you need to pull and the refresh frequency.

Best thing to do is reach out to Blue Sky ( or hit up @Neil_Jones

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@Neil_Jones Are you syncing the PartTran and TranGLC records to PowerBI or just making REST / SQL queries to fetch that data when called?

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@John_Mitchell there is no live query back to Epicor. The data is hosted in the BI service and updated on a user determined schedule. Let me know if you want to setup a call to discuss further. Thanks, Neil