You can schedule a purchased part as you would a manufactured part.
If the part is tagged as purchased you would not see it in
manufactured suggestions, but you can still schedule it.
Or, what we do for parts we sometimes make or sometimes buy is to
create an alternate method of manufacture. The "standard" default
method would be to make in house. The alternate, what we call A1,
would be 2 operations, a sub-contract outside machining op, and an
inspection/stock op. You will have to create another part number for
the sub contract.
Part ABC is a manufactured part. Part ABC:MC is a purchased part.
If I want to buy part ABC, I schedule a job for ABC that looks like
SubOpr20 OMC Outside Machine Complete
OPR30 IN Inspect and place in stock
The part number we buy under the sub operation is the ABC:MC part
number, which is purchased. So the manufactured job for ABC requires
purchased part ABC:MC as material so to speak, allowing us to only
have to stock the 1 part number in the end.
This works great for us. I hope this was not too confusing. I'd be
happy to walk you through it over the phone if needed.
Bill Rupert
Production Manager
Bardons & Oliver Inc.
--- In, Larry Barriere <larrybarriere@...>
or purchase the part (Part ABC).
If the part is tagged as purchased you would not see it in
manufactured suggestions, but you can still schedule it.
Or, what we do for parts we sometimes make or sometimes buy is to
create an alternate method of manufacture. The "standard" default
method would be to make in house. The alternate, what we call A1,
would be 2 operations, a sub-contract outside machining op, and an
inspection/stock op. You will have to create another part number for
the sub contract.
Part ABC is a manufactured part. Part ABC:MC is a purchased part.
If I want to buy part ABC, I schedule a job for ABC that looks like
SubOpr20 OMC Outside Machine Complete
OPR30 IN Inspect and place in stock
The part number we buy under the sub operation is the ABC:MC part
number, which is purchased. So the manufactured job for ABC requires
purchased part ABC:MC as material so to speak, allowing us to only
have to stock the 1 part number in the end.
This works great for us. I hope this was not too confusing. I'd be
happy to walk you through it over the phone if needed.
Bill Rupert
Production Manager
Bardons & Oliver Inc.
--- In, Larry Barriere <larrybarriere@...>
>in mfg.
> We are on Vantage 6.1
> We would like to to know how to setup a part as a substitue part
> We have a part (part ABC) that we sometime mfg and other time wepurchase it.
> What we would like to do is create a job for the parent part(part XYZ) and then have the choice of mfg the above part (part A)
or purchase the part (Part ABC).
> Larry Barriere
> Larry Barriere
> barriere@...
> W 603-626-3160
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