Allowed to issue material not on BOM or Alternate Part?

Testing the issue of materials to jobs in E10.1.600 and so far it allows the issue of any part to a job. I would expect just the part on the BOM or any of its alternate parts would be allowed.

This is are first time using the issue material form, currently it is all done with a customization where we “backflush” lot tracked parts in MES to the job.

Hi Mike,
I have also faced this condition before, and i have written a BPM for restrict unwanted PartNum issue, other than BOM part or its alternate part.
I am sharing its BPM, please write the code after creating a condition (as in picture).

BO- IssueReturn
Method -PerformMaterialMovement
Condition (STK-MTL) is for selecting only -Issue material to job.

Copy and paste the code in C# code window.

Good Luck !
code.txt (745 Bytes)

Thanks. The reply from Epicor is that its by design since it defaults to the part on the BOM it allows you flexibility to change to anything.

But the biggest failure is that, if i issued a material against the Non BOM/Alternate part, it doesn’t reflects in any part transaction history. Also we cannot trace, which part was issued by user.

I had to make a few tweaks and will have to test some more, but in general it is about 95% where I need it to be.
For instance the ttt and ps1 had to be declared. I am also seeing about the instance where the Part is not on the BOM and the part attempting to issue is not a substitute part in the DB it throws a BPM error not the BusinessObjectMessage.