Not sure if anyone can help out here - spent far too long on trying to get this to work.
I’m trying to allocate by Lot through a BPM. It runs through OK but doesn’t create a record in OrderAlloc. I’ve ran a full trace and matched up everything (I’ve obviously missed something though.
Any help appreciated - excuse code - it’s a test on getting the BPM to work before tidying up and running properly:
//string OrderNum = "2320";
string Message = "";
Guid OrderAllocSysRowID = new Guid();
bool res = false;
Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocTableset oat = new Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocTableset();
Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocListTableset oatl = new Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocListTableset();
//Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocListTableset padt = new Erp.Tablesets.OrderAllocTableset.PartAllocTableset();
Erp.Contracts.OrderAllocSvcContract oa = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.OrderAllocSvcContract>(Db);
string ordHed = "OrderHed.OrderNum = "+ 2320;
string orderDtl = "OrderDtl.OrderLine = 1 ";
string ordeRel = "OrderRel.OrderRelNum = 1";
string PartAllocWhereClause = "NoFilter,NoFilter,NoFilter,NoFilter";
oatl = oa.GetListOfOrders("", ordHed, orderDtl, ordeRel, "", PartAllocWhereClause, "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, out res, Session.CompanyID); //////////////////////////////////////////// One
foreach (var row in oatl.OrderAllocList)
oat = oa.OrderAllocationGetRows(oatl, 0); /////////////////////////////////////////// Two
if(oat != null )
//foreach(var ordRel in oat.OrderAlloc.Where(i=>i.Company == Session.CompanyID ))
Erp.Tablesets.SlimOrderAllocTableset soa = new Erp.Tablesets.SlimOrderAllocTableset();
Ice.IceRow sR = soa.SlimOrderAlloc.NewRow();
sR["AssemblySeq"] = 0;
sR["Company"] = Session.CompanyID.ToString();
sR["DemandType"] = "Order";
sR["FulfillmentSeq"] = 1;
sR["JobNum"] = "";
sR["MtlSeq"] = 0;
sR["OrderLine"] = 1;
sR["OrderNum"] = 2320;
sR["OrderRelNum"] = 1;
sR["SelectedForAction"] = true;
sR["TFOrdLine"] = 0;
sR["TFOrdNum"] = "";
sR["RowMod"] = "A";
foreach(var ORow in oat.OrderAlloc)
ORow.SelectedForAction = true; // Will Get a Demand Error if you don;t set this!!
ORow.RowMod = "U";
foreach(var TRow in oat.PartAllocTran)
TRow.AddHoc = true;
TRow.ReleaseToPicking = true;
TRow.Replenishable = true; //new
TRow.TransPriority = 5; //new
TRow.AllocType = "Order"; //new
TRow.RowMod = "U";
//Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("Tran" + TRow.Company);
oa.CheckDates(ref soa ,out Message);
//Ensure SelectedForAction is True in OrderAlloc
foreach(var ORow in oat.OrderAlloc)
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("Selected For Action" + Convert.ToString(ORow.SelectedForAction));
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("SysRow" + Convert.ToString(ORow.SysRowID));
OrderAllocSysRowID =new Guid(ORow.SysRowID.ToString());
oa.OneDemandType(ref oat ,out Message, out Message);
oa.GetSearchSortDefault("Order",out Message);
//Ensure SelectedForAction is True in OrderAlloc
//Ensure RowMod = "U" in OrderAlloc
//Ensure AddHoc = True is True in PartAllocTran
foreach(var ORow in oat.OrderAlloc)
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("Selected For Action" + Convert.ToString(ORow.SelectedForAction));
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("RowMod" + ORow.RowMod);
foreach(var TRow in oat.PartAllocTran)
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("PartAllocAddHoc:" + Convert.ToString(TRow.AddHoc));
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish("PartAllocRowMod:" + Convert.ToString(TRow.RowMod));
oa.GetLotBinOnHandByWhseCodeZoneBinType(ref oat, "","","Standard");
decimal Qty = 12;
decimal OH = 17800;
decimal avail = 17800;
Erp.Tablesets.PartAllocLotRow PAllocLR = new Erp.Tablesets.PartAllocLotRow();
PAllocLR["Company"] = "CABP";
PAllocLR["PartNum"] = "1000522";
PAllocLR["WarehouseCode"] = "WCAS";
PAllocLR["BinNum"] = "PUTAWAY";
PAllocLR["OrderNum"] = 2320;
PAllocLR["Orderline"] = 1;
PAllocLR["OrderRelNum"] = 1;
PAllocLR["LotNum"] = "515";
PAllocLR["Allocate"] = true;
PAllocLR["NewAllocatedQty"] = Qty ;
PAllocLR["AllocatedQty"] = Qty ;
PAllocLR["RelatedToSchemaName"] = "Erp" ;
PAllocLR["RelatedToTableName"] = "OrderRel" ;
Guid OrderRel =new Guid("272B6BCE-5863-42DC-AE55-AD73AB0E0088");
PAllocLR["RelatedToSysRowID"] = OrderRel ;
PAllocLR["DimCode"] = "EA" ;
PAllocLR["SysRowID"] = OrderAllocSysRowID ;
PAllocLR["OnHandQty"] = OH ;
PAllocLR["AvailableQty"] = avail ;
PAllocLR["RowMod"] = "A" ;
//And Now the other Lot thats isn;t being allocated
Qty = 0;
OH = 48496;
avail = 39996;
PAllocLR["Company"] = "CABP";
PAllocLR["PartNum"] = "1000522";
PAllocLR["WarehouseCode"] = "WCAS";
PAllocLR["BinNum"] = "RECEIPTBIN";
PAllocLR["OrderNum"] = 2320;
PAllocLR["Orderline"] = 1;
PAllocLR["OrderRelNum"] = 1;
PAllocLR["LotNum"] = "366";
PAllocLR["Allocate"] = false;
PAllocLR["NewAllocatedQty"] = Qty ;
PAllocLR["AllocatedQty"] = Qty ;
PAllocLR["RelatedToSchemaName"] = "Erp" ;
PAllocLR["RelatedToTableName"] = "OrderRel" ;
PAllocLR["RelatedToSysRowID"] = OrderRel ;
PAllocLR["DimCode"] = "EA" ;
PAllocLR["OnHandQty"] = OH ;
PAllocLR["AvailableQty"] = avail ;
PAllocLR["SysRowID"] = OrderAllocSysRowID ;
PAllocLR["RowMod"] = "A" ;
oa.AllocateByLotBin(ref oat,"","All",out Message,out res);
catch (Exception ex)
Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish(" Reservation Error "+ ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException);