Alert question Blank Title 62199

I agree with the other users in that using task sets and BAMs together
may solve your problem. We do something similar for setting up new
parts. Doc Control checks the parts out, purchasing sets up the
warehouse information, mfg sets of the operations, cost acct rolls
costs, etc. We created a task set to route the part and use a BAM for
notification. I also have an Access report that will print out the
current status of all the open Eng Workbench groups by the current task

Below is the code for the BAM. Although the BAM is buildiing
information for parts, you would have to do something similar to develop
information for the quote. The trigger for the BAM is the Task table,
Key1 field. I also agree with one of the users, if you go to the
trouble of implementing something like this, you have to have your users
respond in a timely manner otherwise the task just sits there (i.e. the
reason for the Access report).


Description: This program sends part information to the Taskset

Created By:

Butch Menge

Revision History:

Initial revision

Vantage 6.1



{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = "Task"}


IF Task.RelatedToFile = "ECOGROUP" THEN DO:

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = "Group ID: " + Task.Key1 + "~n~n".

FOR EACH EcoRev WHERE EcoRev.GroupID = Task.Key1 no-lock:

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = NewEmailBody + "Part Num: " +
EcoRev.PartNum +

" " + EcoRev.PartDescription + " Type: ".

FIND Part WHERE Part.PartNum = EcoRev.PartNum no-lock.

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = NewEmailBody + Part.TypeCode + " IUM:
" + Part.IUM +

" StdMat: " + String(Part.StdMaterialCost) + " StdLab: "

String(Part.StdLaborCost) + " StdBurd: " +
string(Part.StdBurdenCost) +

" StdSubContCost: " + string(Part.StdSubContCost) + "
UnitPrice: " +

String(Part.UnitPrice) + " Warranty Code: " +
Part.WarrantyCode + "~n".

FOR EACH EcoMtl WHERE (EcoMtl.GroupID = Task.Key1) and
(EcoMtl.PartNum = EcoRev.PartNum) no-lock:

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = NewEmailBody + " Material: " +
EcoMtl.MtlPartNum +

" " + String(EcoMtl.QtyPer) + " Type: ".

FIND Part WHERE Part.PartNum = EcoMtl.MtlPartNum

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = NewEmailBody + Part.TypeCode + "
IUM: " + Part.IUM +

" StdMat: " + String(Part.StdMaterialCost) + "
StdLab: " +

String(Part.StdLaborCost) + " StdBurd: " +
string(Part.StdBurdenCost) +

" StdSubContCost: " + string(Part.StdSubContCost) +
" UnitPrice: " +

String(Part.UnitPrice) + " Warranty Code: " +
Part.WarrantyCode + "~n".


FOR EACH EcoOpr WHERE (EcoOpr.GroupID = Task.Key1) and
(EcoOpr.PartNum = EcoRev.PartNum) no-lock:

ASSIGN NewEmailBody = NewEmailBody + " Operation: " +
EcoOpr.WCCode + ", " +

EcoOpr.OpCode + " " + STRING(EcoOpr.ProdStandard) +
" " + EcoOpr.StdFormat + "~n".



FIND EcoGroup WHERE EcoGroup.GroupID = Task.Key1 no-lock.

ASSIGN Email-Text = EcoGroup.CommentText + "~n~n" +

FIND TaskSDtl WHERE (TaskSDtl.TaskID = Task.TaskID) and

(TaskSDtl.TaskSetSeq = Task.TaskSetSeq) no-lock.

FOR EACH SalesRep WHERE (SalesRep.RoleCode = TaskSDtl.RoleCode)

ASSIGN Email-To = Email-To + SalesRep.EmailAddress + "; ".


ASSIGN Email-Subject = "Vantage Task: " + Task.TaskDescription.


else Return "Cancel Send":U.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Rhonda
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 6:03 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Alert question

We have tried using the tasks sets but again it does not do all the
notifying we need to do.
> Since you're using quotes, have you considered using Task Sets? True,
> doesn't run via email but it was designed to do what you're
> Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We were origianally sold Vantage on the premis that it had global
alerts to alert each department on the conclusion of a process, ready
for the next in line to do their part. The out of the box alerts are
too limited and then Epicor told us to use BAM, which also does not
do what we want.
Now they are saying that global alerts are becomeing obsolete and
that everyone is using BPM and for that we need custom programming.
I feel like I am being fed a line.
Any thoughts.
This is the process we want to work with alerts, maybe someone has an
Step 1: Inside Sales enters RFQ - Global Alert email is sent to
Engineering, Sales Manager and appropriate Sales person for the
account. The Header/Subject of the email should read RFQ Entered-
Customer Name/Quote #. The body of the email should have "Quote
Number for Customer Name" and a link to the quotation. (see Alert #1

Step 2: Engineering completes BOM/RFQ is Engineered - Global Alert
email is sent to Inside Sales, Sales Manager, Vice President, and the
appropriate Sales person. The Header/Subject of the email should
read RFQ Engineered - Customer Name/Quote #. The body of the email
should have "Quote Number for Customer Name" and a link to the
quotation. (see Alert #2 attachment)

Step 3: Sales Preps for Final Review - Global Alert email is sent to
the Sales Manager, Engineering Manager and Vice President. The
Header/Subject of the email should read RFQ Final Review - Customer
Name/Quote #. The body of the email should have "Quote Number for
Customer Name" and a link to the quotation. (see Alert #3

Step 4: Final Review is Complete/Quote is ready for Customer -
Global Alert email is sent to Inside Sales, Sales Manager and the
appropriate Sales person. The Header/Subject of the email should
read RFQ Complete!! - Customer Name/Quote #. The body of the email
should have "Quote Number for Customer Name" and a link to the

any help would be apprciated, I know it seems like this would work
with global alerts but it doesn't
> Step 1: Inside Sales enters RFQ - Global Alert email is sent to
> Engineering, Sales Manager and appropriate Sales person for the
> account. The Header/Subject of the email should read RFQ Entered-
> Customer Name/Quote #. The body of the email should have "Quote
> Number for Customer Name" and a link to the quotation. (see Alert #1
> attachment)
> Step 4: Final Review is Complete/Quote is ready for Customer -
> Global Alert email is sent to Inside Sales, Sales Manager and the
> appropriate Sales person. The Header/Subject of the email should
> read RFQ Complete!! - Customer Name/Quote #. The body of the email
> should have "Quote Number for Customer Name" and a link to the
> quotation.
> any help would be apprciated, I know it seems like this would work
> with global alerts but it doesn't

Since you're using quotes, have you considered using Task Sets? True, it
doesn't run via email but it was designed to do what you're describing.

Mark W.
We have tried using the tasks sets but again it does not do all the
notifying we need to do.
> Since you're using quotes, have you considered using Task Sets? True,
> doesn't run via email but it was designed to do what you're
> Mark W.
> We have tried using the tasks sets but again it does not do all the
> notifying we need to do.

How do people expect to be notified? The problem with any notification system
is that if there are too many messages, people ignore them. Email is nice
because the message will wait until the user can get to it. Email is bad
because if the person is out for a few days, the action may not be acted upon.
Email groups can get around this by putting backup personnel into the group
but then that adds to the messages.

If you want a really robust notification system, people must acknowledge the
notification. If the first person doesn't acknowledge then the next person in
the list is contacted, etc. There are systems that you can buy that do this if
this is what you require.

However, if you just want to send a one-way notification you can go a few of

- Write an application that looks through your open tasks periodically and
sends out emails, pages, faxes, twitter posts, etc. when a task was completed
since the last polling. (low tech solution)

- Create a BPM on the Task business object on the Update or ChangeComplete
method and call some custom Progress or .Net code to notify the owner of the
next task that something has been completed or if it's the last operation that
the task set is complete. (mid-tech solution)

- Purchase the Productivity Pack (Epicor Portal) that integrates the Vantage
tasks with Outlook tasks via ServiceConnect (BLEEDING edge solution).

Good luck,

Mark W.
Have you investigated BAM? This should be able to be set up to do any email
notification you are looking for. I have personally set up BAM to notify on
a bunch of different field changes. What version are you running, that will
make a difference.
Next, BPM should not require Custom Programming. It might require a little
Customization and some fairly straight forward programming you can do
in-house with some guidance from the group.
If all you are looking to do is trigger emails though, I would be very
tempted to create a BAM to do this for you. The programming of a BAM .p
procedure is not plain English, but with some examples from the group, you
should be able to modify something to do exactly what you are looking for.
I will be happy to send along some of the alerting .p files I have created
for 6.1 off list to get you started if you would like.
This is truly not something you should have to spend additional money on,
just some time to set it up the way you want it.
Let me know if you want some help in the BAM arena, if BPM, I am not well
versed yet, so others will be able to offer much more help.
Aaron Hoyt
Vantage Plastics
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 9:03 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Alert question

We have tried using the tasks sets but again it does not do all the
notifying we need to do.
> Since you're using quotes, have you considered using Task Sets? True,
> doesn't run via email but it was designed to do what you're
> Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]