AgileShip Blank Title 65674

Hi Dave!

Thanks again for your continued interest and advice! You were the only one that responded that suggests to me that Epicor users who’ve integrated AgileShip are few! Are you in fact using Agile Ship and if so what version of Epicor are you at? I ask this because I am having issues with the manifest info propagating from the customer master file to order entry properly. Have you experienced any similar issues?Â





From: [] On Behalf Of dave.leannah@...
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:19 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: AgileShip



I don't see where leaving them in SHIPPED status is an issue - that is what the status column will be - they do some internal machinations to show INVOICED on the screen. You do not have to progress through the FREIGHTED status.

I got an email from Epicor about the new AgileShip Manifest package. Does this mean they no longer use insite ? Since we are currently InSite user, are we better off switching? Anyone has any idea what was behind this?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I believe that Insite has a much better package and a better feel for
EPICOR products. You can discuss the differences with your CAM. You have
my opinion.

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From: [] On Behalf
Of Bill Wu
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:17 AM
To: ''
Subject: [Vantage] AgileShip

I got an email from Epicor about the new AgileShip Manifest package.
Does this mean they no longer use insite ? Since we are currently InSite
user, are we better off switching? Anyone has any idea what was behind

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I am looking for advice regarding the AgileShip add on to Epicor from active users.  (that is software that integrates Epicor to shipper/carrier by drawing the needed shipper/carrier info from Epicor automatically).


The part my staff is troubling with is that if you "Freight" a packing list and later find there was something wrong in the shipment, "Unfreighting" and "Refreighting" the Packing list to make the correction, generates new info to the shipper/carrier software - particularly the tracking #.

Due to our established daily process, these errors I am referring to do not get discovered until the next day.  (Our process is to pull over invoices to AR from shipments of the previous day - after the package(s) have already left the building with the original label and tracking #, etc). 


Has anyone else encountered this and if so how do you handle it?


Thank you in advance for any and all advice/observations/suggestions!



You won’t be able to un-freight the next day – if you did
End of Day processing.


If something was really wrong we issue a credit memo and
re-process a $0 line item to ship the correct item.  I guess it all depends on what errors you are


A second way to do it is to have a “no Agile/no mainifest
system” linked packstation that will allow you to “unfreight” and “re-process”. It
should leave the original tracking number in place. Again it all depends on what you need to fix. More info on the type of fix will allow me to give you a better answer. 




Thanks for the reply!Â


As another alternative, when a pack list is unfreighted to make a correction, what would the harm be in closing the Pack list after the correction, but leaving it unfreighted? After all, we will have some pack lists that will never be freighted since our Agile is configured for UPS and Fedex only and we do use other carriers.


This communication is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. or the Export Administration Regulations. Export of this material is restricted cannot be exported to foreign persons or foreign destination without prior written approval from the U. S. Department of State or the US Department of Commerce.


From: [] On Behalf Of dave.leannah@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:50 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: AgileShip



You won’t be able to un-freight the next day – if you did End of Day processing.


If something was really wrong we issue a credit memo and re-process a $0 line item to ship the correct item.  I guess it all depends on what errors you are correcting.


A second way to do it is to have a “no Agile/no mainifest system” linked packstation that will allow you to “unfreight” and “re-process”. It should leave the original tracking number in place. Again it all depends on what you need to fix. More info on the type of fix will allow me to give you a better answer. 



Just leaving them as CLOSED is an issue. The status needs to get to SHIPPED to get invoicing to pick them up. If you UNSHIP, then inventory transactions are reversed, among other things. Once invoiced then the pack can't be unshipped and re-opened/re-closed. We watch for packs that were just left as CLOSED so we make sure everything gets invoiced (and we get paid). The other side effect is that the pack must get to the SHIPPED status to cause inventory to be relieved and jobs transactions to be posted and credit card payments to get processed. IMHO I would not leave them at that status. It is a problem you won't find for a while, but eventually it will catch up with you.

Oh, yes of course. But I really meant was leaving them CLOSED and SHIPPED. (not just closed)




This communication is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. or the Export Administration Regulations. Export of this material is restricted cannot be exported to foreign persons or foreign destination without prior written approval from the U. S. Department of State or the US Department of Commerce.


From: [] On Behalf Of dave.leannah@...
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: AgileShip



Just leaving them as CLOSED is an issue. The status needs to get to SHIPPED to get invoicing to pick them up. If you UNSHIP, then inventory transactions are reversed, among other things. Once invoiced then the pack can't be unshipped and re-opened/re-closed. We watch for packs that were just left as CLOSED so we make sure everything gets invoiced (and we get paid). The other side effect is that the pack must get to the SHIPPED status to cause inventory to be relieved and jobs transactions to be posted and credit card payments to get processed. IMHO I would not leave them at that status. It is a problem you won't find for a while, but eventually it will catch up with you.


I don't see where leaving them in SHIPPED status is an issue - that is what the status column will be - they do some internal machinations to show INVOICED on the screen. You do not have to progress through the FREIGHTED status.