It looks something like:
"credentials": {
"userName": "yourUserName",
"sharedSecret": "yourSharedSecret"
"transactions": [
"transaction": {
"type": "CONNOTE",
"transactionID": "ConnoteNumber(45)",
"pickupReady": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+10:00",
"pickupClose": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+10:00",
"requestedDelivery": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+10:00",
"internalID": 12345,
"accountID": "YourAccountCode(32)",
"totalWeightKg": 1234.23,
"totalVolumeM3": 1,
"totalItemCount": 2,
"reference": "Customer order Reference#",
"reference2": "Secondary Reference#",
"serviceCode": "The ServiceCode Requested”,
"ATL": true,
"addresses": [
"type": "pickup",
"name": "Pickup Name(128)",
"addr1": "Address Line 1(64)",
"addr2": "Address Line 2(64)",
"addr3": "Address Line 3(64)",
"suburb": "The suburb(32)",
"state": "State as code like NSW(3)",
"postcode": 9999,
"country": "ISO 3 Char code like AUS or NZL(3)",
"contactName": "Contact name at pickup",
"contactMobile": "Mobile number at pickup",
"contactEmail": "Email of contact at pickup"
"type": "delivery",
"name": "Delivery Name(128)",
"addr1": "Address Line 1(64)",
"addr2": "Address Line 2(64)",
"addr3": "Address Line 3(64)",
"suburb": "The suburb(32)",
"state": "State as code like NSW(3)",
"postcode": 9999,
"country": "ISO 3 Char code like AUS or NZL(3)",
"contactName": "Contact name at delivery",
"contactMobile": "Mobile number at delivery",
"contactEmail": "Email of contact at delivery"
"pickupInstructions": "Long string shipping instructions(1000)”,
"deliveryInstructions": "Long string shipping instructions(1000)",
"transaction_lines": [
"reference": "LineReference",
"description": "Main Description of line(128)",
"comment": "Additional line level comment(128)",
"weightKg": 12.12,
"heightM": 0.5,
"widthM": 0.5,
"lengthM": 0.5,
"itemCount": {
"units": 1,
"UOM": "EA(16)"
"reference": "LineReference",
"description": "Main Description of line(128)",
"comment": "Additional line level comment(128)",
"weightKg": 13.13,
"heightM": 0.1,
"widthM": 0.1,
"lengthM": 0.1,
"itemCount": {
"units": 1,
"UOM": "BOX(16)"
Although we won’t be doing the credentials bit.
The majority of the data is stored in UD100 and UD100a, but I will have to go out to ShipHead,ShipDtl, TFOrdHed,TFOrdDtl,TFShipDtl,RMAHead,RMADtl,SubShipH and SubShipD I’m expecting.
Basically it’s an integration with a freight company, so that they can pull all our “configured” shipments and pickups, allow them to manipulate and send to their drivers handhelds/tablets.
And before anyone says, EMW can do sign and glass and they have a POD lite module…I know.