Wanted to document this for other people as I did a way too deep of a dive into AUOM to figure out how it works and how to set it up for a sheet metal manufacturer. This will detail the major limitation of the functionality for any material that needs to be tracked by at least 2 dimensions. Think of a sheet of plywood, you need to know it’s length and width.
First off, Advanced UOM is fantastic. I am happy we bought the module even though there is an issue for us (sheet metal manufacturer). And I would highly recommend purchasing it if you need it.
Before I get into the limitation, I figured I should give a fly over of the functionality that AUOM has and some of the set up options.
The benefit of AUOM is that it allows you to track actual inventory levels of dimensional material. Think of metal tube, you buy it in certain lengths (4-foot, 8 foot, & 12 foot) but can be cut and returned to stock. Now think about trying to track that in inventory? If you track eaches, all you know is that there are X tubes in stock of unknown length. If you track length, then all you know is that you have X feet in stock and number of tubes and lengths are not known. Dealing with that on a daily basis is taxing and makes any attempt at trying to plan near impossible. This issue goes way beyond just inventory. The same problem is in buying, MRP, quoting, sales orders, engineering. AUOM allows your MOM for a table to reflect that you need 4, 4-foot length wooden legs.
So, how does it work?
There are multiple elements that can be used. I will detail the important ones.
- Dynamic Attribute Class - this is what allows you to track attributes dynamically. You need to create a Class to assign to a Part on the Attributes page. This class will hold all of the data that you require to track. Basically, think of this as a child table to Part that allows you to store whatever attributes are important to your company.
- Theoretical MRP Attribute - this is what allows a company to maintain Mins and Maxs on attribute tracked parts. This can only be a Combo Box (I’m skipping the Revision functionality). So, you may purchase rod in 4-, 8-, and 12-foot lengths but still want to track the actual length of your inventory. This field allows you to set up standard lengths for MRP and Planning to output suggestions in a consistent manner.
- Actual Attribute - If you are using the theoretical MRP attribute, an actual attribute that corresponds to the theoretical attribute is required. You can either have the actual attribute be the theoretical attribute, or you can have a separate attribute be the actual. So, in the rod example, you may have MRP suggest buying a 12-foot length, but when it is received and measured, it is actually 11’ 11" and you want the actual length to show in inventory.
Now, you may be asking why is there an issue? What I have detailed so far is related to tracking only 1 dimension. If you need to track 2 dimensions (length & width) is where the module starts to lose its luster. You need to create the Dynamic Attribute Class same as above. You can create the Theoretical MRP Attribute same as above, except that the list will include 2 dimensions (48"x40", 48"x20", 48"x120", etc.). Now, you can only have 1 actual attribute to go along with the theoretical attribute. When a sheet comes in that is actually 49"x39", you cannot enter the actual dimensions as you cannot have an actual length attribute and an actual width attribute. You can only have 1 actual attribute. Additionally, if you want to select something other than the theoretical attribute as the actual attribute, the attribute needs to be an integer or decimal field. So, you cannot enter 2 dimensions in an integer or decimal field. Now you are forced to make the combo box of 2 dimensions the theoretical and actual attribute as you cannot have a theoretical without an actual. This set up removes the ability to dynamically enter attributes. We are going to have to figure out all of our blank sizes and enter them in the combo box just to be able to track them in inventory. We will not be able to enter the actual dimensions if we wanted to.
Now, some of the astute people out there are probably thinking why not use weight as the theoretical and actual? We don’t buy in weight, or get invoiced in weight, or get pricing in weight from the suppliers. I am only speculating, but my guess is suppliers started selling by blank size because the industry uses blank sizes more than weight.
In conclusion, AUOM is a fantastic module. If you are contemplating it for single dimension stock, I would not hesitate to pull the trigger. If you are contemplating it for two dimension stock, the amount of effort to set it up is quite substantial and you will not be able to use the dynamic aspect of the functionality.
If anyone has any questions about AUOM, Dual UOM, or UOM in general, please feel free to reach out. I know way too much about it now.