Advanced Requisitions Management (ARM)

Is there anyone out there that is using this module that would be willing/able to answer some questions?

Any luck on this? We are looking at our current process and am wondering what my options are before we build in house.

Saw it at Insights and we are in the quoting stage now. It looks really good from what I saw in Nashville and far better than standard Epicor. I kind of hope they become the next DocStar…

Mark W.

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When we went live with E10 we had ARM 1.4 and there were some issues with it that prevented us from rolling it out agency wide. However about two months ago we upgraded to version 1.9 and it works very well. There has been a bit of a learning curve with migrating our users from our legacy systems to ARM 1.9, but it does everything we need it to do and I think it’s very user friendly.

Also seen ARM at Insights. It looks very user friendly and I suggested to the Epicor bosses while I was there that ARM should be integrated as a standard feature into the out of the box base version of Epicor. IMO it could be especially useful for project based companies that can’t plan and release a job with every detail known upfront and who don’t run PO suggestions.
As most would know, you can’t raise a PO requisition for materials that are pre-detailed into a job. ARM offers the facility to do so in (what looks like to me) a pretty straight forward manner.
Would be interested to see how you guys go with it and whether you think it’s a good investment.


The agency I work for is extremely varied (most consultants use the phase “odd duck”) since we are involved in everything from manufacturing to health services. We have chosen to keep our manufacturing based PO’s within Epicor itself, but use ARM for everything else in the agency (administrative purchases, IT, health services, residential services). At this time we have about 120 requisitioners and 35 approvers active in the ARM system. We have ARM set to route through about 30 different approval chains based on the GL account assigned to the specific line item in a requisition. The approval system is very user friendly and makes it easy to track requisitions from their creation through the Pro-Forma order phase and into being a Purchase Order. Since upgrading to 1.9 we haven’t had any issues (other than user created ones) with the integration of PO’s and receipts between the two systems.

One thing though is that there is a curve to learning ARM and Epicor support is pretty much useless. During our upgrade process I was able to work directly with one of the Precise engineers who designed the software and he was extremely helpful.