Advanced Printing (email before Breaking)

First off, is there ANY documentation for Advanced Printing? The online help just barely scratches the surface.

I have a BAQ report that has data grouped by Project Manager. I use a Breaking block and select the PM as the breaking column, and can set it up to send a separate email to each PM. And the attachment for each PM only contains data for that specific PM.

But I also want to send the whole report (not broken out by PM), to the Head of sales. I tried using a Group block (see below).

While that does allow a single email to the Leader, the report is still broken up by PM and appears as multiple attachments, instead of a single report. (see second image - from Outlook)

Any way (in a single Routing rule) to access the report prior to the Break block?

The Filter block is just to limit the number of emails I get while testing.

P.S. No need to point out the spelling error in the body of the auto email :slight_smile:

Figured it out - but always open to suggestions for other ways …

I place a Filter block after start, and use that to make two branches. One branch goes through the Break block, and the other direct to the Email block for the unbroken report. The Filter1 block has no conditions set. Filter0 is just to limit the number of emails while testing.

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@bderuvo might have some good knowledge on this topic for future ref

Does anyone have a way of doing this now? Epicor appears to have “fixed” the ability to put that filter in before the break. I tried to find another thread about this but this is the closest I could find.


I was 10.1.400 when I made the original post. My layout was a workaround to not having the Break widget connected to the start.

I wonder if you can have more than one break widget. If so, place one right after the start that breaks on a field that never differs (like CompanyID). Then put the break filter below tha one, with the rest of the layout the same.

Note that is just what I would try - not something that i know should work.