Advance Print Routing PackSlip only


We are in the process of using APR to email Packing Slips. We also specified an actual attachment name formatting but it looks like it’s sending both the Packing slip form and the Shipping Labels whenever a user chooses to print both. It’s also using the same attachment name on 2 separate emails. Is there an option to trigger APR sending only for Packing Slip?

Thank you.

You could add a widget that says launch alternate report style maybe? EDIT: Nevermind, I understand the post now.

i think @utaylor was on to something. create another report style that does not include the second ssrs report. have the routing rule call the other report style?

And that is what I thought, but I think he still would like to run both reports… Can you add two alternate report style widgets and then from one make an email action and then from the other do the user action?

I think the business case is, email the pack slip, but do the user action for the shipping labels.

yes @utaylor . exactly what you mentioned. if they select both, we need the packslip emailed and printed, labels print only.

Can you use two alternate report style widgets?

going to try it now…

well, it didn’t work. I think what’s happening is although it’s using the alternate report style, it’s not using it’s SSRS Breaking/Routing function. i was hoping there is some sort of report type (packslip vs label) i can trigger on the Filter.

@JuyTWG , are you printing one pack or multiple?

I would think you can do something like this, no? What are you breaking on?

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@utaylor, this is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. I am printing 1 pack at a time and breaking on Packnum. Should I be breaking on something else?

No that’s fine, so did you do the layout as seen above where the alternate report styles are the individual pack slip report and the individual shipping label?

it’s working now based on your latest suggestion. However, it’s sending copies of the same packslip with an underscore on the other. i.e. 21735.pdf and 21735_2.pdf.
Here’s my scenario:
I print preview both Packing Slip and Label on the main report style.
PackNum is the Break and splits into the PackSlip and Label report style.
I get 2 attachments on the email. 21735.pdf and 21735_2.pdf
I also get 2 pdf previews of the packing slip and 2 pdf previews of the label.

I am thinking it’s triggering on the main report style as well as the other two.

That’s kinda wild, the only thing I would do differently is create two user action nodes, one for each report style.

another thing. If I preview only the packing slip, it works on the email side but it previews both the packslip and label. I even removed the report location on the main report style but no change. weird.

And if you print, it emails both?

Here’s one my option:

Packing Slip Only - email and user action works.
Shipping Labels only - user action works but it still emails me the packslip.
Both - user action works but it now emails me 2 (attachments) copies of the packslip.
I wish there was a condition I can use to separate the two report parameters.


I haven’t had time to take a crack at this myself, but it seems weird that printing the shipping labels only emails you a copy of the pack slip as well. If you print preview the shipping labels without routing, does the pack slip also come with the print preview?


Definitely weird. it works without the routing so looks like it may be a bug on the APR for Shipping. We use APR on SOAs and Invoices with no problems but then again, they don’t use any Report Parameters that Shipping does.
The reason why I need only one attachment to the email is we’re sending packslips to a 3rd party that will be handling our customer portal. it has to be only one attachment and the filename needs to be (PackNum).pdf with no other preceding or succeeding characters.
I’m going to try out different routing options and see if anything works. Thanks

Jeff, do you know if they use the same query in each of the individual reports (shipping label and pack slip) respectively?

What I am wondering is if you just copy the packslip report style, thus making a new report style.

Then set up the same routing you have above and see if it works. If the shipping label and packslip use the same dataset, both should print.

I guess what I am wondering is, is this only the shipping & packslip report style that is causing this issue or would this happen with the sales order acknowledgement, invoice, or any other report where you try and break it into two different alternate report style nodes, each with their own action.

@utaylor , i have to put a hold on this. I got pulled in to a major project but it is kinda working for me. I just have to tell our shipping department not to print both for now until I can get back to this again. Thank you for all your help and suggestions.

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