Additional Dataview Column

Is an additional datview column supposed to show in the dataview in the debugger? I’ve added a column to a dataview that’s bound to a grid.

I’ve added the column to the grid model.

When I preview it and look at the dataview in the debugger the column isn’t there.

Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong here?

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I don’t know that you can just arbitrarily add columns like that. There’s no such column as PartCost.AAAA. When the does a rest call, what would it return?

What are you trying to do?

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Well you can…, but since it’s unbound, you’d have to fill it manually with a row-update or something.


Would you then have to somehow exclude it from any rest calls to the BO? How would the system know what to do with it?

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I think it would ignore it.

Like my wife does me, when I do something stupid.


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That’s the general idea but it doesn’t seem to want to cooperate.

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What are you doing for your event? Worked in this simple case.

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I’m convinced it’s this bit right here I’ve got wrong. I’m in Part Entry and have an EventNext pointing to my RowUpdate from the Part Cost Grid expand event.

I’ve run a trace and can’t seem to find any other event to grab on to.

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The LoadPartCost event is where I found it was doing the rest-call to PartCostSearchSvc. So I just went “after” that event.

Do you see your events firing at all?

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That was it. Needed that event. Now on to the next pain of trying to find out why it’s not showing up in my grid. Thank you for the help.