Adding values to a PartTran custom field - when records do not exist

Hi, All -

New to Epicor, but not to ERPs, SQL + C#.

We’ve changed a business process to include EKW, which prompts us to input an id for a group of products during the picking process.

Some of these devices (55K) shipped before we had this deployed to production, which means there are no STK-STK part transactions. I’d like to create such records and import the ids into that custom field (pkg_id_c) from an Excel file.

While I could go through the API, I understand that option could impact the financials (as costs may be recorded by the service).

Would a UBAQ with the cost fields set to 0.00 allow me to insert the necessary records without impacting the financials? These devices were picked and shipped in 2024 and we have a feature in the EKW implementation that checks for duplicate pkg_id values before accepting the new picking. We need to have these pkg_ids in the PartTran table or we need to expand the duplication check to include a search of a UD table (if we just bring in these out-of-band transactions to a UD table).

Recommendations / Warnings?

(Note: I selected Kinetic ERP in the dropdown, but the post seems to show 10.x. We are in the cloud at 2024.2.x)

While I don’t have any huge input on your actual question aside from the fact we generally brough in historical records via UD tables. But hopefully someone else will be able to provide help there.

The Kinetic ERP option you chose shows up in the top ribbon:


The “10.x” is coming from your user profile:

You can update that anytime you want if you click on your user icon in the upper right. Then choose the little user icon,

then preferences… then profile.

Down below you’ll see a “Version” text box you can update any time you want.

Thank you for the help, David!

I haven’t tried this is a while, but I seem to recall that some tables (ProjCsts?, PartTran) do not have an API to update records, even UD fields. I had a request for DMT to update UD fields, but it never made it into the product that I know of.

Also note, that there is a performance penalty when adding UD fields because a view is created between the native table and the UD table linking every record. So any report or utility using PartTran will be a little bit slower.

I’m not familiar with the EKW functionality to know a better way to do what you want, but I wanted to throw that one bit of caution out there.

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