I’ve added a UD field to the GLJrnHed table. Then, within the GL Journal Entry screen, I was able to display this field in an EpiGridView that was bound to the DataView GLJrnHed and encountered no issues.
I’ve also created a UD field for the GLJrnDtl table. I would now like to add a column to display this field in a different EpiGridView, also on the GL Journal Entry screen. The EpiGridView that I would like to add this column to is bound to a DataView GLJournalDetail, and my UD Field does not show as an option to display in the collection.
Does anyone have an idea of why I cannot display a UD field within my GLJournalDetail gridview, but I have no issues displaying a different UD field on the GLJournalHed gridview when both gridviews are on the same form?