Adding UD Field to EpiDataView

I’ve added a UD field to the GLJrnHed table. Then, within the GL Journal Entry screen, I was able to display this field in an EpiGridView that was bound to the DataView GLJrnHed and encountered no issues.

I’ve also created a UD field for the GLJrnDtl table. I would now like to add a column to display this field in a different EpiGridView, also on the GL Journal Entry screen. The EpiGridView that I would like to add this column to is bound to a DataView GLJournalDetail, and my UD Field does not show as an option to display in the collection.

Does anyone have an idea of why I cannot display a UD field within my GLJournalDetail gridview, but I have no issues displaying a different UD field on the GLJournalHed gridview when both gridviews are on the same form?

Have you performed Data Model Regen, App Pool Recycle, and client restart?

Sorry for the delayed response, but yes I have

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