Hoping someone can guide me in the right direction.
In the Issue Material form I am wanting to add a custom reference field which may or may not be filled by our users as they issue materials to jobs. Created a UD Field in the PartTran table but cannot find a way to add the to the adaptor list (IM).
Trying to work around this when I try build my EpiTextBox field to the CallContextBpmData.Character01 (to write a BPM to insert the data into the PartTran table) I get an error.
My question is: how do I add my addition new PartTran_UD field to the IM (or any other adaptor)? I have looked in the Customization Manual but couldn’t find it
Any help/a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
It might not be as simple as I first thought. I was going to say that the key field of the UD table would be trannum. But that might not be available in the BPM. Might need to make the key field(s) of the UD table based on some other context.
What’s the use case for you needing to have this extra field?
agree with @ckrusen that adding anything to PartTran is not necessarily a good idea. It is a heavy hitter when it comes to lots of transactions. it would be better to only join it back (in a BAQ) to the source data… example, if the extra data is in the JobHead table, you only need to link it back to retrieve the data. The data stored in the PartTran should be data that never changes like it is a historical log, and that only happens one time (so it gets a time/date stamp).
We want to record a Supplier reference number (almost like a batch number) with each material transaction for certain parts. So it is transaction based. Agree having it invoked by every material transaction is going to be very heavy. What would be ideal is if it could just be added to the IM object like what happens say in the Part Entry when you add a custom field. It just appears underneath usually so never encountered this much difficulty.
Do you need it on every movement of the part? PO receipts, Qty Adj’s, issue to Mfg, etc…
If so, then maybe enabling lot control for the part would be more straightforward.
It it is just when issued to a job, then maybe the UD table would be keyed on the jobnum, asmseq, and MtlSeq. All of those should be available during Mtl Issue
Thanks Calvin, no not every movement. We explored that but burden is too high. Its really like a supplier specific reference (think like an intra-batch number). So not feasible to track it like a lot number.
Hmm okay that seems like the only way to go. A little annoying some of these UIs operate completely differently to others internally. Thanks for your suggestions though.
Not sure if this would work… but… there is a little used feature called DataTags. These data tags can be added to nearly any table. They are additional indexes to a record. Because of the way that datatags are stored, you can have multiple tags per record.
Now for the good part… data tags can be automatically added to a record with a BPM.
SO… if you create a BPM that checks for the right conditions, you might be able to add a datatag to the parttran record in question. Then create dashboards that shows the DataTag(s) associated with various transactions. You can also enter the tag and find the associated records. All of this can be done without creating new fields in the table.