I need the JobProd table as I need the OrderNum for the Job Pick List RDD. I added the JobProd table then Linked Tables, found OrderNum, click the Drop Down for OrderNum and then selected OrderNum again. I went into SSRS and added the table
LEFT OUTER JOIN JobProd_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " JP
ON T2.Company = JP.Company AND T2.JobNum = JP.JobNum AND T2.Calc_AsmSeq = JP.AsmSeq AND T2.Calc_MtlSeq = JP.MtlSeq AND T2.PartNum = JP.PartNum"
I run the report and keep getting NO RECORDS SELECTED.
=“SELECT JP.OrderNum_OrderNum,T1.PartNum_Durometer,T1.AssemblySeq,T1.[Description],T1.DueDate,T1.IssuedQty,T1.IUM,T1.JobNum,T1.PartNum,T1.PullQty,T1.RequiredQty,T1.RevisionNum,T1.Calc_BCAsmSeq,T1.Calc_BCJobNum,T1.Calc_BCPartNum,T1.Calc_BCRevNum, T2.[Description] as JobMtl_Description,T2.MfgComment,T2.MtlSeq,T2.PartNum as JobMtl_PartNum,T2.ReqDate,T2.Calc_BCMtlSeq,T2.Calc_BCPartNum as JobMtl_Calc_BCPartNum,T2.Calc_FromSource,T2.Calc_MtlSeq,T2.Calc_ReqdQty,T2.Calc_UOM, T3.BinNum,T3.LotNum,T3.MtlSeq as JobBin_MtlSeq,T3.OnhandQty,T3.UOM,T3.WarehouseCode,T3.AllocatedQty,T3.PCID, T3.Calc_BCPCID, T2.Calc_SubAsmSeq, T2.Calc_AttributeSetShortDescription
FROM JobAsmbl_” + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1
LEFT OUTER JOIN JobMtl_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2
ON T1.Company = T2.Company AND T1.JobNum = T2.JobNum AND T1.AssemblySeq = T2.Calc_AsmSeq LEFT OUTER JOIN JobBin_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T3
ON T2.Company = T3.Company AND T2.JobNum = T3.JobNum AND T2.Calc_AsmSeq = T3.AsmSeq AND T2.Calc_MtlSeq = T3.MtlSeq AND T2.PartNum = T3.PartNum LEFT OUTER JOIN JobProd_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " JP ON T2.Company = JP.Company AND T2.JobNum = JP.JobNum"
I would guess you would want to add a relationship to make this work.
Also, Joining with JobProd could create multiple records. It would be much safer to use a Dataset in SSRS to get the Order Information you are looking for.
Still getting NO RECORDS SELECTED. I added the JobHead table and deleted the JobProd table as well.
For the relationship, wouldn’t I need to add OrderNum for the 3rd sequence?