Adding Epicor Functions to Process sets possible?

Hello everyone,

I have been tasked to create some functions which we want to run on a schedule. So far, I created 2 schedules; one running at 8pm to run function A and another running at 8:30pm to run function B.
Instead of doing the above, is it possible to add both functions to a process set and just run the process set on a schedule instead? That way, if function A runs for longer than 30 minutes, it doesn’t interfere with function B. Another pro would be that if process A finishes quickly, process B would run immediately after.

I wasn’t able to find anything mentioning this. Any information is appreciated.

Thank you!

I’m almost completely positive I saw a customer lead presentation at Insights where they did use Functions within Process Sets. I’ll have to go back and see if I can find which session it was.


Yes, we do that. Just schedule the function as normal, but do the process set instead of submitting it.


Functions can call other functions as well, so you could encapsulate your two functions into one function and schedule that one.


Ahh okay I knew it should have been possible. Thank you very much!



This is a nice workaround, thanks for suggesting that.