I have added some check boxes to Order Entry on the line and tied them to some UD fields. When I activate the check box and click save, it reverts back to false. I cannot think of anything I missed, but is there something different that needs to be done in the Kinetic UI?
Surprisingly, this is one area where there’s not a lot of extra bs to get it to work. You should just be able to throw the controls on the screen and set the epBinding.
Do the fields exist in your dataview?
I just tried it on my end and it seemed to work fine.
Did you activate debugging before you looked at the console in Dev Tools? If not, in your preview window, press CTRL+ALT+8 to activate it. Then check the checkbox and save; see if that shows issues.
Is it possible you have a BPM interfering?
What happens if you bind the field to a native boolean column and save?
Nope. I do that all the time.
As long as the field exists in the database, you should just be able to pop the control on the screen and give it a binding.
Also, for giggles, throw a textbox next to your checkbox with the same binding. What happens if you alter the text in the textbox and save? Does it work then? Does it work similar to the below?