Adding a Print Tag Functionality to the MES Work Queue


I wanted to reach out to the forum for advice. We are currently transiting our shop floor over to the MES Work Queue. We have made several customizations, but the biggest remaining hurdle is to have a production tag printed once a production activity ends. Does anyone have any advice on how we could get this functionality into the work queue?

Thanks for all of the help!

Were you able to come up with a solution for this?


This is an old thread, but the answer is to add a Post-Process BPM to Labor.EndActivity, LaborEndActivityComplete, Labor.Update, or a Data Directive on the LaborDtl or JobOper table depending on what exactly you’re doing.

I believe EpicCare or EpicWeb has a walkthrough on how to do this (in general) if you search for barcoding or BarTender.

Hi John

Can you provide a link to the method? All I was able to locate was a data directive ut nothing on Post-Process BRM to auto print.

Thanks in advance