Adding a new table to custom packing slip SSRS report

Hey everyone, I am having issues adding a new table to a report. On the shipping label, I need to include the need by date. I am pulling this in from the OrderRel table. I have already:

*Created a new RDD
*Created report style tied to the RDD and custom report path.
*Created a new report.
*I added in the OrderRel table.
*Unchecked the boxes that don’t need to be excluded in all tables.
*Created a relationship between OrderRel and ShipDtl (company, OrderNum, OrderLine, OrderRel).
*On the report I created a new join between OrderRel and ShipDtl (joined on Company, OrderNum, OrderLine, OrderRelNum).
*I added in the field in the Dataset.

What more is there for me to do??? When I load the report, the field loads as blank. Yes there are need by dates, and I get no errors. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I have customized several reports, and added in fields before, but I have never added a new report to the RDD. Thanks for the help!

You also need to edit the Dataset Query to add the OrderRel table and fields to the report. This can be done with the dreaded “Sync Dataset” button in Report Style or manually within the SSRS report.

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Yeah, I have heard nasty things about that button. I heard that you should never push it… Is there a reason why? How do you do it manually in the SSRS Report?

If I understand you correctly, I believe I did that. I added this to the end of the dataset query in the report:

LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderRel_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T5
ON T2.Company = T5.Company AND T2.OrderNum = T5.OrderNum AND T2.OrderLine = T5.OrderLine AND T2.OrderRelNum = T5.OrderRelNum"

T2 is the reference for ShipDtl. Is there anything else I need to do? or anything I am missing?

OrderRel fields are available through Linked Tables from the ShipDtl table.

Select the fields you want to display, then add the fields to Dataset Query instead of add the OrderRel table and Relationship to the RDD.

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ah ha! that is it. You are great. I noticed the Dataset query calling “T2.OrderNum_PONum”, and I did not understand. Now it makes complete sense, way simpler than what I was trying to do! Thank you so much for your help!

Also make sure that T5.NeedbyDate is in your fields list inside the query statement. Also make sure that your link is not the type Definition Only (inside the RDD in relationships), it should be Output (IIRC)

Okay great, I got it all to work!

This is a side question that you may or may not know. But, I finalized the customization to the report, now I need to work on the printing portion. Currently 1 label prints per line. Is there a way to set it up such that if Phantom pack is checked true, then it will create 1 label per case?

An idea that comes to mind is to group on a formula. This formula could be based on the checkbox, the grouping value would be the line if its not checked and the case if it is checked. then put the values in the group header/footer instead of the detail section

Yeah, that is exactly what i was thinking. Just figuring out how to pull the phantom pack information into the report. Should be fun!