Adding a Linked Table Description Field to SSRS Report

My end goal is to add a UD field from the Part table to the Receipt Labels report. We have a custom report and RDD that was duplicated from the base report and RDD. When I am in the RDD, I am able to add my field that I need to pull back into the linked tables, but when I updated my RDL query and added a new field, the report always errors out saying invalid column name. Is there some sort of step that I am missing to somehow update the RDD on the report style so that is recognizes the new UD field?

I’ve got a good understanding of how this all works and have built custom reports based off of BAQs. I’m struggling with how the report is setup using tables. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the query in the RDL

="SELECT T1.ReceiptDate,T1.AssemblySeq,T1.BinNum,T1.IUM,T1.JobNum,T1.JobSeq,T1.LotNum,T1.OurQty,T1.PartDescription,T1.PartNum,T1.POLine,T1.PONum,T1.PORelNum,T1.ReceivedTo,T1.RevisionNum,T1.WareHouseCode,T1.Calc_BCAsmSeq,T1.Calc_BCBinNum,T1.Calc_BCJobNum,T1.Calc_BCJobSeq,T1.Calc_BCLotNum,T1.Calc_BCOurQty,T1.Calc_BCPartNum,T1.Calc_BCVenID,T1.Calc_BCWhseCode,T1.Calc_VendorID,T1.Calc_VendorName,T1.JobSeqType,T1.PCID,T1.Calc_BCPCID,T1.SteelGauge_c FROM RcvDtl_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1"

I believe the field name you should be using is:



Dave - You solved it! If our paths ever cross, I’ll buy you a beer (if you drink). Why wouldn’t they include that type of info in the user manual…