Sorry hit the send button before I could include an example:
v Directive Name: (60) PC_MBR_Calc
Ø Conditions:
the ttPart.MtlBurRate field has been changed from any to any
Or there is at least one added row in the ttPart table
Ø Actions:
set the ShortChar01 field of BPM Data to the ttPart.PartNum expression
And set the Number02 field of BPM Data to the ttPart.MtlBurRate expression
And synchronously execute ABL Code... record nothing (See Code Below)
And set the Part.Number15 field of the updated row to the ttCallContextBpmData.Number01
And set the Part.Number16 field of the updated row to the ttCallContextBpmData.Number03
FIND FIRST ttCallContextBpmData no-error.
FIND FIRST PartCost WHERE (PartCost.Company = CUR-COMP) AND (PartCost.PartNum = ttCallContextBpmData.ShortChar01) no-error.
ttCallContextBpmData.Number01 = PartCost.AvgMaterialCost * ((ttCallContextBpmData.Number02 / 100) + 1).
ttCallContextBpmData.Number03 = PartCost.AvgMaterialCost.
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 9:48 AM
To: yahoogroups
Subject: [Vantage] Adding a calculated field to the quote worksheet
Does anyone know if there is a way to add a calculated user defined field to a screen in Epicor 9.05.702a? All of the data elements that are needed to calculate the field are available on the screen, I just need to know to add the calculation so it shows up in the user defined field.
Thanks for any help or suggestions you can offer.
Lori Gustafson
Precision, Inc.