Add your own BAQ Dictionary definition

Sometimes the BAQ Designer can’t link tables automatically. That’s cool. I mean, I thought this one was mighty common - OrderHed to ShipTo - but I guess not. So I made the join in the picture.

Well, it would be nice to be able to save it, to that Dictionary button!

cough TranGLC to anything cough

Hi Jason,

This is probably because the Epicor Business Objects see the tables this way…

You can get to this view by using the “Business Objects” button and choosing Erp.Customer.


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@Aaron What do you mean with this sentence? I am not sure what you are talking about. I did not know you could get to a view like this.

OK then. So,

  1. Wow. Did not know about that.
  2. @jeowings Apparently you have to click that button and then drag in the Customer…umm…object?
  3. Yeah I see that there is no OrderHed Object; it is Erp.SalesOrder.
  4. It sure is rough, though - they come in all stacked on top of each other and you have to pull them apart to see anything. And I have never had anything go off the canvas…
  5. So my example (OrderHed) is still confusing me with this view, because the Sales Order object does not have the ShipTo table in it.

And ultimately, it still would be nice to make my own relation and save it… Like I say, TranGLC is a good candidate. (Even this BO view only joins on Company = Company.)