Add Warehouse on Part

I am trying to add an additional warehouse to all our parts. I was trying to do it using the DMT but it didn’t work but didn’t show it failed either. I was running it against the PartWarehouse table and used update and had all the parts with the new warehouse. I was going to do it using SQL but don’t want to update it and remove the current warehouse. Any suggestions??? I have over 100K parts to update and the DMT took 12 hours. I am hoping to get this done this weekend. I really need to.


Did you check add new in addition to update?

Update will update the current partwarehouse table.
Add new is required to add the records to partwarehouse.

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here is a template i use for adding new warehouses along with a primary bin. Keep in mind that those warehouses and bins must have been created before hand.UpdatePrimaryBin.xlsx (11.7 KB)

and to speed it up run 10 separate DMT sessions with 10k records in each at the same time

Thanks once i added the ADD it worked. I was only doing Update. Thank You.