As you are all aware, at the time of receipt entry you are allowed to generate Serial Number for Serialized parts. This is necessary however is not completely what we need.
We wish to enter some info about the serialized part to the Generated Serial Number at the same time it gets generated. This seems almost impossible with my knowledge of Epicor so I decided to use an Embedded dashboard as an updatable dashboard inside the form (Receipt Entry) however it seems that embedded dashboards cannot be updatable (even though the dashboard itself is updatable and I have tested it).
So I am stuck. Are you able to suggest any work-arounds?
Thank you fir your response. Are you aware of any method to ask the user to enter multiple fields that are not in the form and are on SerialNo_UD table when the user is creating the serial number?
I think there is some ambiguity in my request and some lack of familiarity on your end with the flow of process during generation of a Serial# at Receipt Entry menu.
What I intended to ask for was a way to enter some specific information about the Serial# exactly when it is about to be generated, no later than that.
When we review the flow of process at Receipt entry, we see that there is a button which the user should click on in order to generate a new Serial#. When the button is pressed, a new window pops up:
Therefore I need to enter the info on the second screen (most likely as far as I understand) somehow to make sure the info is entered against the specified Serial#.