I added a custom field to the work queue in MES to display the parent part number for the job and assembly sequence. How can I add and “open with” context menu to this new field so I can right click and open with part tracker?
Is this a UD field you added to a table?
Or is this a field local to the customization?
it is a field local to a customization added to the work queue grids. It gets its data from a BAQ.
If you want to set this system wide to the field and it is bound to data, use extended property maintenance on the field to assign the “like” property on the field. If it’s bound to a BAQ and the field being queried does not have a like property (like an external baq or calculated field), you can assign the like property to the field within the BAQ editor. If it’s all added via code or an unbound field, I’m not sure
You can use the Context Menu Maintenance to add Open with items to a field if it’s not possible to use the Like option. Something like this:
The simplest way would be to set the column’s “Like” properties when creating the field:
Alternatively, you can use Extended Properties to set the Like value.
This is not a UD column, it is a column added to the work queue grids strictly from code.
Is the field in the EpiDataView or in the grid only?
Here is an old thread:
I don’t think it is part of the dataview,
here is the how i am adding it to the existing grid