Add BIN to Stock Status Report

Hi all,
Report Data Definitions are going to be the death of me. I have read the help files and the User Guides and still do not understand how they work. I am trying to add the BIN information to the stock status report. I am guessing I need to link the PartBin table somewhere. I thought stkactivity would be it but there are no fields showing for that table and it doesn’t exist in the dictionary.

What you want is not easily done. SSR works by taking current Bin Qtys, and backing out the part transactions that have happened since the Date selected when running the SSR.

PartBin records only exist if there is a non-zero qty in them. As soon as a part transaction occurs that zeros out that bins QOH, the record is deleted.

If you dont need to run it for historical dates, you’re better off making a simple BAQ report.

If you do need to see qty’s per bin, on a specific date, the BAQ is much more complicated. You’d need to start with the current QOH per bin (from PartBin), and subtract out (or add in) part transactions since the date selected. Youd have to do this per part/bin combo. And account for a part that is currently zero QOH , but with part trans since the desired date.

One last thing, the cost used by the SSR is todays cost. Not the cost on the desired date. Dont use SSR to validate your inventory GL acct!


Thank you. We do need the historical information :slight_smile: I will let the requester know and see what he wants to try next …

I concur. BAQ report will work best.