I haven’t started into Configurator yet (on my to-do list… just wasn’t mission critical when we implemented), so I don’t know the inner workings. BUT, we’ve done something similar with our SO Lines.
I created a couple UD Columns on OrderDtl called “EngReq” and “RevEng”. These are for “Engineering Required” and “Reverse Engineering Required”.
So, when a sales person adds a Sales Order Line, they can choose to click either of those checkboxes if what they’re selling requires “Engineering” or “Reverse Engineering”.
We use a Data Directive on OrderDtl.Update with a condition that if those checkboxes change from “false” to “true” the directive runs some custom code.
If “EngReq_c” is true, the code creates a NEW Order Line for a Part within our Part Master called “EngReq”. It also immediately creates a job, gets details, schedules (forward), and releases. So, that job is ready immediately for Engineering to charge their time to.
This seems similar to what you’re looking for… so I would assume a similar Data Directive triggered by your checkboxes should work.
You need to determine any finer points. For example, in our case, we could have (5) line items on our sales order, all requiring engineering. We set up the Directive to only create (1) instance of a new “EngReq” line item per order. It will scan the order and if “EngReq” already exists on the Order, it stops. It will not add another. We treat Engineering on an ORDER basis, not a line item basis.
Also, if the user clicks the box on line item (1) and saves… A sales Order Line for EngReq will be added as Line Item 2. Any additional line items will be lines 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. So, we’ve trained our staff to enter all their line items first (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)… THEN go back and click the EngReq checkbox where needed… and then EngReq will show up as Line 6. A few extra steps, but it makes to orders cleaner.