Let me start by saying I know little about context menus. I started out needing to add drop ship entry / tracker to the shiphead.packnum context menu to be used on a dashboard. I was able to use context menu maintenance to add the 2 context menu items to a context menu. It looks like I need to do this for each company within our environment. The context menu items are not stored in ice.contextmenuitems but in the xxx.def buried in the content column.
So then I started wondering, if there is a way to programmatically in the form customization to add these 2 calls to the context menu? Anyone out there done this before?
if not, any idea how I would populate these changes to each of my companies?
You can also add it to the system’s ContextMenu, but you won’t be able to select the menu location, it’s always at the bottom of the menu.
Good luck! Have a good day!
You can assign a LIKE Property to a table or field that you don’t anticipate using frequently. For instance, if your field is Calc_PackOrDS , you can employ the attributes editor to set it to be LIKE UD40.ShortChar09 . Subsequently, create a Context Menu Customization on UD40.ShortChar09 . When Epicor loads the BAQ, it will recognize the LIKE association with UD40.ShortChar09 and will present the corresponding context menus.
The EpiBinding string associated with the context menu.
A string representing the text displayed for the context menu item.
A pointer defining the method to be called when a context menu item is clicked.
A boolean value. When set to True, it hides any context menu items generated by the framework.
public void InitializeCustomCode()
oTrans.RegisterContextHandler("ShipHead.ShipToNum", "Customer Ship To Entry", new EpiTransaction.ContextClicked(ShipToEntryCall), false);
// Add context menu for ship to
public object ShipToEntryCall(object Sender, object CurrentValue)
EpiContextMenuItem MenuItem = Sender as Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiContextMenuItem;
string EpiBinding = MenuItem.Binding.EpiBinding;
// Basically use LFO to Launch your Desired Form (Below is just an example of a special form)
// Perhaps based on MenuItem or EpiBinding if statement
CustomerShipToEntryArgs.LaunchForm(oTrans, this.currentShipToCustNumCustID(), CurrentValue.ToString(), true);
return null;
The code may not automatically Publish/Subscribe as the user clicks different rows and the LFO is open, it may not automatically change your value in that form, some think thats okay – if you need that you might need to search the forums for PublisherKey