earlier in the month we were doing some maintenance and we were instructed to close out all fiscal periods except for the one we were working in as to avoid any accidental changes. After about a week we realized we never opened the period which we were now in. Its taken us all month to realize this and now about ten days worth of system generated entries are in the wrong period. does anyone know a quick way to push them back to their proper fiscal period?
Are you certain the posted?
Do you think they posted into that prior FP that you had open? Or pushed forward to the next open FP (I assume is Feb 2020) ?
Run the GL report for all charts for FY 2020, FP 2 (or whatever your next open FP is). From that, determine what needs to be “undone”, and create Journal Entries opposite of ones you found.
If you want to find all the details of the GL Trans, you might need to query the TranGLC table. Select the following fields: RelatedToFile, Key1, Key2, Key3, FiscalYear, GL_Account, TranDate, SysDate, and CreadtedDate
Hey Calvin,
So this actually happened in December this past year. Ive been back and forth with epicor support for the past week on this project with only a couple things figured out, and our main problem still up in the air.
We found out that we had an action set that if we tried posting something to a closed Fiscal Period it would send an warning message and auto correct by pushing to the next open fiscal year. Thats where our error came from in the first place. Not sure why the employees didn’t mention the error but thats not the point right now.
we have about 600 excel lines worth of journal entries that have posted perfectly fine to the aging reports but remain invisible on the GL report because they are in Fiscal year 2020 Period 1 (due to the closed fiscal period issue).
The effected entries have dates for 12/3 or 12/6 etc etc but their apply date is 1/1/2020, is there a way to change that?
The epicor rep mentioned using the GL > Gen Ops > AutomaticTransactionReversal. This looks like a nice way to undo all of the entries by zeroing them out. But the big problem comes when we need to enter in AJ, SJ, CD,PJ CR entries because they are system generated entries. Is there a way we can enter those in?
Im no accountant, but i dont think it matters which journal an transaction is applied in. They all use the same accounts.
Querying the TranGLC table can isolate all the transactions, based on the CreatedDate(12/3 or 12/6) and TranDate(1/1/20)