Accessing a form within a form

Hi, i’m new to this forum as an “question asker”, i navigate like a silent ninja for like 6 month now grabbing a lot of info thanks for it :slight_smile: . So my question is how can i open a form inside a form?
ex: “App.OrderAllocEntry.AllocationProcessForm” which is in the dll, Erp.UI.OrderAllocEntry.dll.

I understand that i could use ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, “Erp.UI.OrderAllocEntry”, lfo); but it opens the main form which is not what i need.

I don’t know how i could get the assembly name in that case.



what stopping you from switching to the developing mode and launch the process, then capture the menu ID then use it in this code

Replace the DLL string with the MenuID you want to open.

thanks i already know how to get the menu id from menu maintenance.
Since “App.OrderAllocEntry.AllocationProcessForm” it’s not listed in menu maintenance is there any code i can use to get it.
How can i get that specific menu id?

Ah. This is a sub form. Are you calling it from the Order Allocation screen?

	using (Erp.UI.App.OrderAllocEntry.AllocationProcessForm dForm = new AllocationProcessForm(this.oTrans))
		System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dForm.ShowDialog();
        if (result == DialogResult.OK)
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Thank you! this works!