Hi All,
I have 2024.1 and trying to access Data directive/Method directives but I am getting the error below. I have access to “All” in user account maintenance.
Can you verify you see both of the highlighted:
I will say be careful with “All”… there could be a group that actually LIMITS permissions. For example, I have a security group set up for our MES Kiosks which basically disallows most (if not all) menus other than MES.
So, if you’re assigned to ALL… you may have actually downgraded your overall security. I think I heard before that disallow will trump allow.
What do the options under System Access look like for your user account? Do you have BPM advanced user access checked. I am on 2023.1 so not sure if this has changed in the newer version.
I’ll check that, but the permission settings are migrated from 2022.2, I have access to both in that version.
Should it translate to the same in 2024.1?
Are you a Security Manager? I wonder if they’ve intertwined those things somehow.
Also… if you make group changes… not sure if they take effect right away or if you have to log out, log back in again? Not sure on that one… in the case you’re trying to toggle them on/off.
Well, I’m stumped. Any colleagues in your organization you can see if THEY have access? If so, you can compare settings… if none of you can get in, then I would definitely put in a ticket.