I posted a topic on how to store data from a text box in a grid here. I now need to access it. I found a related problem and possible solution for me in this post. @fvodden found that using #_ _#
tags you can execute JavaScript code. I tried using #_trans.dataView('SpecialItemsView').viewData_#
and resulted in 0: "[object Object],[object Object]"
. I added JSON.parse() #_JSON.parse(trans.dataView('SpecialItemsView').viewData)_#
and resulted in 0: "[object Object],[object Object]"
. I then tried JSON.stringify() #_JSON.stringify(trans.dataView('SpecialItemsView').viewData)_#
and resulted in 0: "[{\"Name\":\"a\"},{\"Name\":\"b\"}]"
. Even using JSON.stringify() both items are on index 0. Any ideas?
Working with the #_JSON.stringify(trans.dataView('SpecialItemsView').viewData)_#
idea I have a text box to hold the results of the grid. In order to see the results I created an event to be fired upon the view row changed. I found a couple of problems. Not sure if these are features or bugs.
- The event is not fired until the second item is added.
- No event is fired when the item is deleted.