A subpage for "Feature Requests and Suggestions"

All these feature requests are great, but they’re kind of overrunning peoples more pressing issues. :slight_smile:

Maybe it will die down after the newness wears off, and all will return to normal (for as “normal” as it gets in here)

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It is in its own category you can filter that out if you’d like :slight_smile:

From the home page the Categories dropdown?

That only allows All Cats, or Just 1 Cat

You can mute categories.


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That’s under the Notifications section. Which I took to mean email notifications.



[ adjusts glasses ] why I’ll be…

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I had to do that because I kept putting my foot in my mouth trying to answer question for people on E9

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When I went to add the “Features…” category, I noticed that E10 (the version I currently use) was already added. That might be why I saw lots of E9 discussions, and no E10 (other than my own) …:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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