In case anyone is interested, I used .Net reflector to look in the DLL and then did some casting to end up with this that seems to work
adapterServiceCallCenter.AssignTechnician(Convert.ToInt32(edvheadView.dataView[edvheadView.Row]["CallNum"].ToString()), cmbFSTechs.Value.ToString(), ((ServiceCallCenterAdapter)oTrans_adapter).ServiceCallCenterData);
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Joe Englert
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: [Vantage] How do I access the DataSet of the form?
I posted this earlier in the EUG site so, sorry for those of you seeing this a second time.
I am trying to improve on the Assign Service Tech functionality in the Service Call Center. I'm at the last step and have run into a block. I'm trying to call the AssignTechnician method of the ServiceCallCenterAdapter and can't figure out how to access the ServiceCallCenterDataSet or otherwise provide an argument that the method will accept.
The trace log isn't much help - it shows this to me:
<localTime>12/13/2012 15:42:40:1562818 PM</localTime>
<parameter name='cc' type='Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.CallContextDataSet' ><CallContextDataSet xmlns="">
<RowIdent />
<parameter name='ipCallNum' type='System.Int32' ><![CDATA[3026]]></parameter>
<parameter name='ipEmpID' type='System.String' ><![CDATA[11111]]></parameter>
<parameter name='ds' type='Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceCallCenterDataSet' ><ServiceCallCenterDataSet xmlns="">
First I tried passing null to the method which bombed with an unhandled exception.
Then, I tried creating my own ServiceCallCenterDataSet but, it failed because it is empty and foreign key constraints exist.
Next, I tried pushing the FsTech_Column DataTable into my new DataSet but, that gave me a run-time error that the table already is in use by another dataset.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceCallCenterDataSet dsFSCallTech = new Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceCallCenterDataSet();
dsFSCallTech.Tables.Add(FsTech_Column); adapterServiceCallCenter.AssignTechnician(Convert.ToInt32(edvheadView.dataView[edvheadView.Row]["CallNum"].ToString()), cmbFSTechs.Value.ToString(), dsFSCallTech);
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