9.05.702A Customize Tracker View - Unpredictable

>>The issue I run up against is the custom tracker looks fine in the
>>but when you test deployment the fields move all over the
Yes, I have run into this too.

>>I either end up going through the custom XML editor
>>and ripping out a bunch of extra controls or recreating the custom tracker.
Same here, just on certain dashboards.
Once it happens I have to rip out the tracker view and & rebuild.
I've not found any alternative.

Isn't it one of those simple things that gets really annoying?
Hope you find a solution.

It seems each time I try to make a quick tweak to a published dashboard, I run into problems with the custom tracker view.  I have a few dashboards that filter on date ranges, so customized the tracker view with date selectors for the beginning and ending date - then put in labels for those.  The original tracker "text" field is hidden, moved off to the side, and shrunk.


The issue I run up against is the custom tracker looks fine in the dashboard, but when you test deployment the fields move all over the place - sometimes even enabling the original tracker control.  I either end up going through the custom XML editor and ripping out a bunch of extra controls or recreating the custom tracker.


Any one run into this and have better workarounds?  Again, looks fine if you don't deploy the dashboard but I have to deploy these (copy to excel, right-click options, etc.).





Are we talking changing out of the box dashboard trackers - that you copy and have edited? Or brand new from scratch trackers?

I find Epicor does not like not using the controls it has set out for you. Just moving it or shrinking it or hiding it does not work. If the controls are in a group box - you can actually move it so it is completely off the form BUT that does not work all the time.  I would clear your cache and cookies before testing - Epicor remembers things you don't want it to.

Now for the controls - if you are using TEXT controls for date fields - that will NOT work. You need to use a date control box.

Do you republish the dashboard when you are done? or re-deploy the dashboard? are you using (on Menu Maintenance) the dashboard assembly or dashboard runtime?  Try using dashboard runtime, that will recompile the dashboard every time you (or the user) opens it.

I hope this helps


These are custom trackers off of BAQs.  In 702A you have the Tracker View where you put filters and Epicor by default creates all of them as texts.  I used their answer book to create the date range I needed. 


I did clear cache (through the client and even the windows folder).  I also copied off the custom DLL from the server to make sure a brand new one was being created.


We always redeploy the dashboards and don't use runtime.  I'm not publishing dashboards at this point.    The runtime doesn't give them the right-click copy options they want (e.g. Copy to Excel). 

