Just tied to his clock number, no one else gets the message, this user gets it on any pc than he uses MES on.
Doesn’t matter what job or operation or Resource Group.
Start Activity, End Activity then press OK or Cancel, he gets “Record Not Found”.
The transactions all continue and post correctly after pressing OK on the error message.
All comments welcome.
Patrick Winter
Error Detail
Message: Record not found.
Type: Error
Program: Server/bo/Labor/Labor.p
Method: GetByID
Table: LaborHed
Stack Trace
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.LaborImpl.GetByID(Int32 laborHedSeq)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.LaborAdapter.GetByID(Int32 laborHedSeq)
at Epicor.Mfg.Menu.Mes.Transaction.adapterGetByID(String id)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.FrameWork.EpiMultiViewTransaction.Refresh()
Inner Exception
ERROR condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7211)
Inner Stack Trace
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.Session.runProcedure(String requestID, String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, Boolean persistent, Boolean internal_Renamed, Int64 procId, MetaSchema localSchema, Int32 stateModel)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.Session.runStatelessProcedure(String requestID, String fullProcedureName, ParameterSet inparams, Object procId, MetaSchema localSchema, Int32 stateModel)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.runTheProcedure(String requestID, String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, MetaSchema schema)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.runProcedure(String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, MetaSchema schema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.CallContextPersistentProc.runProcedure(String procedureName, ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.ProxyHelper.CallMethod(String methodName, ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema, BLConnectionPool connPool, Session connection, PersistentProc persistProc, CallContextDataSet callContextDataSet)
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.LaborImpl.GetByID(Int32 laborHedSeq)