800.809 configurator pricing

I had the same issue when I started with the configurator.
When being trained by Epicor employees, they had me reference an external
spreadsheet for the prices. I did not like this because I basically had to
be responsible for maintaining 2 different copies of price lists.

I asked a few other Epicor people for instructions on how to reference price
lists, because they told me that they thouht it could be done and would ask
others with the know-how, but I have never seen anything about how to do it.

>From: "JohnBob" <jholden@...>
>Reply-To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
>To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [Vantage] Re: 800.809 configurator pricing
>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 13:18:30 -0000
>My understanding was that the price you were modifying/adding to was
>the part maintenance sales unit price. As you make your selection
>criteria, the configuation pricing should then be added to the part
>price to generate a new configured part price in the Sales Entry.
>HOWEVER, I just tried it and it did not take the sales unit price as a
>base price - it just ignored it. I also tried using std costing to no
>effect. I also tried setting a price list and the did NOT work
>either. I think that if the people who's job it is to write this
>programming were also responsible for makin it work in a real business
>environment we might be able to get some more use out of the
>configurator but it seems useless to try to get anything done as I am
>sure it will not be fixed.

Could someone please tell me what the pricing heirarchy is when the
configurator is involved? I know that I can set up pricing modfiers
for the quote and order in the configurator. But, what price is it
modifing? We are using pricing lists and customer groups to determine
price list.

Also, what item does it refer to. Is it the generic
configured item, or is it the part created with the smart string?

Thank you for the help.

My understanding was that the price you were modifying/adding to was
the part maintenance sales unit price. As you make your selection
criteria, the configuation pricing should then be added to the part
price to generate a new configured part price in the Sales Entry.
HOWEVER, I just tried it and it did not take the sales unit price as a
base price - it just ignored it. I also tried using std costing to no
effect. I also tried setting a price list and the did NOT work
either. I think that if the people who's job it is to write this
programming were also responsible for makin it work in a real business
environment we might be able to get some more use out of the
configurator but it seems useless to try to get anything done as I am
sure it will not be fixed.