8.03.408A customer shipment testing

I ran into some difficulties when checking customer shipments in 408A. We don't have advance ship or use pack out. We don't use order releases but will ship part of an order line. The remaining quantities aren't updated when this is done. The shipped complete checkbox doesn't automatically check when the last shipment is made against the order line (probably because the remaining quantities aren't right). You can check the box manually and save it. You'll receive a message that says "Shipping quantities is less than quantity remaining... Are you sure you want to close this release?" Answering yes will close the order. If the box isn't checked manually the order will not be closed. This happens whether using the Mass Shipment button or entering lines individually. I have reported the problems to Epicor. Also, there were some additional "quirks" that showed up involving shipping partial lines from jobs. I added those quirks to a prior call I put in that is attached to SCR 57228. I'm not sure how many of you these things will effect, but thought I'd send out a heads up!